May 23, 2023

On Premise CRM Software: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

As businesses continue to grow, the need for efficient customer relationship management (CRM) software becomes vital. CRM software allows businesses to manage customer interactions and streamline their operations. With the rise of cloud-based software, on premise CRM software has taken a backseat. However, it remains a crucial option for businesses that require complete control over their data.

What is On Premise CRM Software?

On premise CRM software refers to a system where a business purchases a license to install and run the software on their servers. The software is hosted and managed in-house by the business. Unlike cloud-based software that relies on an internet connection, on premise software can function offline.

Importance of On Premise CRM Software for Businesses

On premise CRM software offers businesses complete control over their data. It provides the ability to customize the software to meet specific business needs, including integration with other software. On premise software also offers better data security, as businesses can implement their own security measures.

Furthermore, on premise CRM software provides greater scalability than cloud-based software. As a business grows, it can expand its software capabilities to meet its needs. In the long run, on premise CRM software can be more cost-effective than cloud-based software, especially for larger businesses with complex needs.

In conclusion, on premise CRM software remains a crucial option for businesses that require complete control over their data. Its customization options, data security, scalability, and cost-effectiveness make it an attractive option for larger businesses. In the following sections, we’ll dive deeper into the features, benefits, and best options for on premise CRM software.

Features of On Premise CRM Software

On premise CRM software offers businesses a wide range of features that provide complete control over their data and improve their operations. Here are some of the key features of on premise CRM software:

Customization Options

One of the primary benefits of on premise CRM software is its ability to be customized to meet specific business needs. Businesses can tailor the software to their unique requirements, such as adding custom fields or workflows. This flexibility allows businesses to streamline their operations and improve their efficiency.

Data Security

On premise CRM software provides businesses with complete control over their data security. Rather than relying on a third-party provider to secure their data, businesses can implement their own security measures. This includes limiting access to sensitive data, implementing firewalls, and regularly backing up data. As a result, businesses can ensure that their data is safe from cyber threats.

Integration with Other Software

On premise CRM software can be integrated with other software, such as accounting or marketing automation software. This integration allows businesses to streamline their operations and improve their efficiency. For example, integrating on premise CRM software with accounting software can provide businesses with a complete overview of their financials.


On premise CRM software provides businesses with greater scalability than cloud-based software. As a business grows, it can expand its software capabilities to meet its needs. This scalability allows businesses to adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs.

In conclusion, on premise CRM software provides businesses with a wide range of features that allow them to improve their operations and streamline their workflows. From customization options to data security, on premise CRM software offers businesses complete control over their data and operations.

Benefits of On Premise CRM Software

On premise CRM software offers several benefits to businesses that choose to use it. Here are some of the most notable benefits:

Control over Data

On premise CRM software allows businesses to have complete control over their data. This includes the ability to manage and secure their data without having to rely on a third-party provider. Additionally, businesses can customize their data management systems to fit their specific needs.

Cost-Effectiveness in the Long Term

While on premise CRM software may require a larger upfront investment, it can be more cost-effective in the long term. With on premise software, businesses own the software and can use it indefinitely. This can save businesses money in the long run, as they won’t have to pay ongoing subscription fees.

Increased Productivity

On premise CRM software can increase productivity by streamlining business processes. With on premise software, businesses can customize their software to fit their specific needs. This means that employees can access the information they need quickly and easily, making their jobs more efficient.

Better Customer Experience

On premise CRM software allows businesses to provide a better customer experience. By having complete control over their data, businesses can personalize the customer experience and provide more targeted marketing. Additionally, on premise software can provide quicker response times to customer inquiries, which can improve customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, on premise CRM software offers several benefits to businesses that choose to use it. These benefits include greater control over data, cost-effectiveness in the long term, increased productivity, and better customer experience.

On Premise CRM Software vs. Cloud-based CRM Software

When it comes to selecting a CRM software, businesses must choose between on premise and cloud-based options. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on the specific needs of the business.

Advantages of On Premise CRM Software

On premise CRM software provides complete control over data. Businesses can customize the software to meet their specific needs and integrate it with other in-house software. It also provides better data security, as businesses can implement their own security measures. Furthermore, businesses can use on premise software offline, making it a suitable option for businesses with limited or unreliable internet connectivity.

Disadvantages of On Premise CRM Software

On premise CRM software requires businesses to manage and maintain the software, which can be time-consuming and costly. It also requires businesses to purchase and maintain their own servers, which can be a significant investment. Additionally, the initial setup and installation process can be complicated, requiring technical expertise.

Advantages of Cloud-based CRM Software

Cloud-based CRM software is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, providing greater flexibility and mobility for businesses. It also requires minimal maintenance from the business, as the software provider manages and maintains the software. Furthermore, cloud-based software is easier to set up and can be operational within a short timeframe.

Disadvantages of Cloud-based CRM Software

Cloud-based CRM software relies on an internet connection, making it unsuitable for businesses with limited or unreliable internet connectivity. It also lacks complete control over data, as businesses must rely on their software provider’s security measures. Additionally, the cost of cloud-based software can increase as businesses expand and require additional features and storage.

In conclusion, the choice between on premise and cloud-based CRM software depends on the specific needs of the business. On premise software provides complete control over data and greater customization options, while cloud-based software provides greater flexibility and mobility. Businesses must carefully evaluate their needs and budget before selecting the appropriate CRM software.

Best On Premise CRM Software Options

If you’re considering on premise CRM software, there are several options available in the market. Here are the top five on premise CRM software options that businesses can consider:


Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM software that also offers on premise options. It is one of the most popular CRM software options in the market, with a wide range of features and customization options. Salesforce offers excellent scalability and integration with other software, making it a great option for larger businesses.

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a suite of enterprise-level software that includes CRM capabilities. It offers on premise options, as well as cloud-based options. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is highly customizable, with a wide range of features that cater to different business needs. It offers excellent integration with other Microsoft software, such as Outlook and Excel.


SugarCRM is an open-source CRM software that offers on premise options. It offers excellent customization options, with a wide range of features that cater to different business needs. SugarCRM offers excellent scalability, making it a great option for growing businesses. It also offers integration with other software, such as Google Suite and Microsoft Office.

Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM is an affordable CRM software that offers on premise options. It offers a wide range of features and customization options, with excellent scalability. Zoho CRM also offers integration with other software, such as Google Suite and Microsoft Office.


Insightly is a CRM software that offers on premise options. It offers a wide range of features and customization options, such as project management and workflow automation. Insightly offers excellent scalability and integration with other software, such as Google Suite and Microsoft Office.

In conclusion, these on premise CRM software options offer different features and capabilities to cater to different business needs. It’s essential to consider the specific requirements of your business before choosing the right software.


In today’s world, businesses need to have efficient and effective CRM software to manage their customer interactions. On premise CRM software remains a crucial option for businesses that require complete control over their data.

In this article, we’ve explored the features, benefits, and best options for on premise CRM software. We’ve seen that on premise CRM software offers businesses customization options, data security, integration with other software, and scalability. It also provides greater control over data, cost-effectiveness in the long term, increased productivity, and better customer experience.

It’s important to note that on premise CRM software is not for every business. Cloud-based software offers its own advantages, including accessibility, lower upfront costs, and automatic updates. Businesses should evaluate their specific needs before deciding on which option to choose.

In conclusion, on premise CRM software remains a vital option for businesses looking for complete control over their data. By evaluating the features, benefits, and best options, businesses can make an informed decision that meets their needs and helps them grow.

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